Business Assistance
- Plastic Free White Plains – A free program highlighting businesses that have taken steps to reduce their usage of single-use plastics.
- One White Plains – Input requested for the new White Plains Comprehensive Plan.
- The City of White Plains Business Resource Guide
City Forms, Permits, Departments and Zoning
Technical Assistance Providers
Westchester County Economic Development Department -County agency offering a variety of resources for businesses wishing to form, relocate, grow and hire within the County. Visit here for links to the Industrial Development Agency, Local Development Corporation, Minority and Women-Owned Business Program, Disadvantaged Business Owner Program, Service-Disabled Veteran Business Owner program and Opportunity Zones. The County also has a useful economic development e-newsletter available for sign up on this site. We highly recommend starting at the comprehensive business resources page. Here you will find information on starting a business, a list of Westchester Business networking programs, local business mentors, incubators and co-working spaces, and sources of capital.
Score Westchester – SCORE volunteers are experienced entrepreneurs, corporate managers, and executives across a diverse set of industries and specialties who volunteer their experience and knowledge to help small business professionals start, develop, and grow businesses. The organization also hosts workshops and provides a number of helpful templates.
The Acceleration Project “TAP”– Nonprofit providing strategic support to small businesses on a variety of entreprenueral issues.
Small Business Development Center (SBDC) – Federally-funded free business support center serving Westchester and Rockland County
Energy Efficiency Savings
ConEdison for Business – Find tax credits, rebates and incentives for businesses here.
NYSERDA – NYSERDA offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and support to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. NYSERDA can assist with energy efficiencies in buildings and businesses and with building decarbonization. Robust page of resources available for building owners and businesses.
Outreach for the Unhoused
Many businesses contact our office asking for assistance when they observe someone unhoused in front of their building. A local nonprofit serving the unhoused community, Lifting Up Westchester, has hired an outreach worker specifically dedicated to approaching these individuals and encouraging them to receive services. Click here for a flyer outlining how to contact this outreach worker (or White Plains Police Department) in cases such as these. Also included in the packet is a second flyer (Spanish/English) you can hand to any unhoused individual who may approach you directing them to one of Lifting Up Westchester’s shelters or their Community Central Location, which provides hot meals, socializing and programs every week day from 9:30 – 4:30 p.m. Please note that the City of White Plains also has a robust team complete with a social worker that specifically works with the unhoused and any individual suffering from suspected mental illness. You can reach out directly to the police and ask for this team by calling 914-622-6111. Helpful tip: When you call Lifting Up Westchester or the White Plains Police, please call when the individual is in or near your business and try and make note of any descriptive matters that could help the nonprofit or City outreach teams find the individual. It is less helpful if you call after the individual has left.
Business Storefront Sanitation Reminders
Did you know that business owners, tenants, and occupants in the downtown business district have certain responsibilities according to the White Plains Municipal code regarding garbage/recycling disposal and snow removal? Please familiarize yourself with this form and ensure you’re in compliance. Please direct further questions directly to the Department of Public Works at the number indicated on the flyer.